在智能大厦的能源设计中,中央空调系统的耗能占据首位。为了让学生将学习到的现代控制知识运用于节能减排工程,我们利用现有的SXK-2005 电工电子及综合实训教学设 备和可编程控制装置,进行典型的中央空调控制系统的实训教学。依据空气焓值参数运作空气冷量和热量的调节系统,在满足舒适环境的同时获得大量节能的效果。 关键词:教学设备;中央空调;节能 Abstract: The Intelligent Design of the building's energy, central air-conditioning system of energy-consuming occupies the first. To allow students will learn to apply knowledge of modern energy-saving control of emission reduction projects, we make use of existing SXK-2005 Electrical and Electronic Integrated Training and teaching equipment and programmable control devices, a typical central air-conditioning control system for Training Teaching. Enthalpy value based on parameters of the air operation of the air cold and heat-conditioning systems, to meet the comfortable environment of substantial energy saving results. Key words: teaching equipment central air-conditioning energy saving