本文对锅筒锅炉经济燃烧算法进行了研究,在传统控制算法和一般模糊控制算法的基础上,提出了一种新型的更加符合实际、运行效率高的模糊控制算法。它由多查询表代替了通常算法的单查询表,且对边界条件和影响锅炉经济燃烧的因素考虑周全,经在多个企业的实施,证明效果良好。 关键词:锅筒锅炉,经济燃烧,模糊算法 Abstract:This paper researches on arithmetic of boiler economical combustion. Based on typical control arithmetic and ecumenic fuzzy arithmetic , it offers a new fuzzy control arithmetic. Single rogatory table is replaced by more rogatory tables. Borderline condition and factory of affecting boiler economical combustion is considerd in particular. It is proved that effect is good through application in many factory. Keywords: boiler economical combustion fuzzy arithmetic