本文在将嵌入式RTOS(Real Time Operation System)与传统顺序编程进行比较的基础上,提出了将嵌入式RTOS 运用于数据采集系统中的设计。该设计必将大大提高数据采集系统的实时处理与高速性。由于数据采集系统在工业控制中的应用广泛和嵌入式RTOS 易于形成通用软件的特点,因此这是一个具有较好应用前景的设计。 关键词:RTOS;嵌入式实时多任务操作系统;嵌入式系统;μc/OS-Ⅱ Abstract: This paper introduces the application of embedded RTOS in the data acquisition system which based on the comparison between the traditional and ordinal programme and embedded RTOS. It is a kind of well future design because the data acquisition is widely used in industry control as well as the RTOS is easily made as a common software. Key words: Embedded real-time operation system; Embedded system; μc/OS-Ⅱ