本文基于多服务台排队模型对呼叫中心进行系统分析及性能优化设计。讨论了客户来 电因等待过久而不耐烦、座席服务率可变的情况下呼叫中心的动态行为,进而做出定量优化设计,提高呼叫中心的服务性能和经济性能。 关键词:呼叫中心,排队模型,优化设计 Abstract: In this paper, we focus on the optimization analysis of call center’s performance by studying a M/M/S/K+M queueing model in the changeable service rate with impatience.We can get the quantitative result of the index and improve the performance of call center on this basis. Keywords: Call Center,Queueing Model, Optimization design