选择性焊接工艺技术的研究 烽火通信科技股份有限公司 鲜飞 摘要: 本文介绍了选择性焊接的概念、特点、分类和使用工艺要点。选择性焊接是现代组装技术的新概念,它的出现促进了SMT(表面贴装技术)的发展,并为PCB 设计者提供了新的工艺选择。可以确信选择性焊接将会被更多地应用于电子组装上,成为一种具有竞争力的焊接技术。 关键词:选择性焊接;印刷线路板;波峰焊 The Research of Selective Soldering XIAN Fei (Fiberhome Telecommunication Technologies Co., Ltd, Wuhan 430074,China) Abstract: The things of selective soldering’s concept, characteristics, division and technical gist are described in this paper. Selective soldering is a new concept of the contemporary assembly technology. It is said that selective soldering has developed and innovated SMT since it was appeared and also provides a new choice for PCB designer. It is believed that selective soldering will more be adopted in electronics assembly, and will also be a competitive soldering technology. Keywords:Selective Soldering;PCB;Wave Soldering