The Cypress CY25562 is a Spread Spectrum Clock Generator (SSCG) IC used for the purpose of reducing electromagnetic interference (EMI) found in today’s high-speed digital electronic systems. The CY25562 uses a Cypress-proprietary phase-locked loop (PLL) and Spread Spectrum Clock (SSC) technology to synthesize and frequency modulate the input frequency of the reference clock. By frequency modulating the clock, the measured EMI at the fundamental and harmonic frequencies of clock (SSCLK) is greatly reduced. This reduction in radiated energy can significantly reduce the cost of complying with regulatory requirements and time to market without degrading system performance. The CY25562 is a very simple and versatile device to use. The frequency and spread % range is selected by programming S0 and S1 digital inputs. These inputs use three (3) logic states including High (H), Low (L), and Middle (M) logic levels to select one of the nine available Spread % ranges. Refer toTable 1 for programming details. The CY25562 is intended for applications with a reference frequency in the range of 50 to 200 MHz. A wide range of digitally selectable spread percentages is made possible by using tri-level (High, Low, and Middle) logic at the S0 and S1 digital control inputs. The output spread (frequency modulation) is symmetrically centered on the input frequency. Spread Spectrum Clock Control (SSCC) function enables or disables the frequency spread and is provided for easy comparison of system performance during EMI testing. The CY25562 is available in an eight-pin SOIC package with a 0-to-70°C operating temperature range. Refer to the CY25561 for applications with lower drive requirements and the CY25560 with lower drive and frequency requirements.