Introduction With the world dominance of personal computer systems, demand for long distance component video transmission is increasing at an unprecedented pace. The applications areas of greatest demand are KVM systems, server farms, information message boards and educational classrooms. This application note provides in-depth information on some of the most important physical support technologies and constraints; CAT-5 cable characteristics, SXGA video standards and video amplifier/line drivers and receiver bandwidth and slew rate requirements. The trade-offs of differential line driver and receiver topologies are discussed in detail. This application note also presents termination techniques and video equalization strategies. Further design issues involving power supply schemes and video timing transmissions are also also described. The goal of this application note is to present the most current design methods for transmitting high bandwidth SXGA video signal over long distances of CAT-5 cable (300m or more). The enormous cost benefits of CAT-5 cable will also be discussed; for instance, the average cost of a 100m of CAT-5 cable is $20 while the average cost of a 100m of Coax Cable could easily exceed $240. Furthermore, wiring is reduced from a bulky hard to manage bundle of 3 cables to 1 easily pulled cable. Additionally, CAT-5 cable has a 4th twisted pair available, which can be used for KVM signal, audio, timing or control signal transmission.