等离子体NOX 脱除技术作为一种脱硝新工艺,受到世界各国的广泛关注。在叙述 了等离子体脱硝的的两种反应机理、等离子体NOX 脱除的主要方法(电子束照射法、高压脉冲电晕法、高压直流电晕法、介质阻挡放电法和介质填充床放电法)和等离子体脱硝的反应器结构的基础上,指出了等离子体脱硝方法中的不足,并对等离子体脱硝技术做了展望。 关键词:等离子体;NOX;反应器 Abstr act:As a new NOX removal technique, the technology of DeNOX by plasma attracted the world′s attention broadly. Firstly, two kinds of mechanisms of NOX removal by plasma were introduced in this paper. Secondly, several important methods for NOX removal such as electron beam irradiation, pulse corona discharge,DC corona discharge,dielectric barrier discharge and barrier dielectricpacked- bed discharge were described. Lastly, several plasma discharge reactors were summarized. In addition, some disadvantages of the methods and prospect of the technology were discussed.