Sovereign在提供合理的安全性和低维护成本的同时提供有用的云服务。 每隔几周使用它来设置服务器,SSH,但大多数情况下都不会使用它。
- IMAP over SSL via Dovecot, complete with full text search provided by Solr.
- POP3 over SSL, also via Dovecot
- SMTP over SSL via Postfix, including a nice set of DNSBLs to discard spam before it ever hits your filters.
- Virtual domains for your email, backed by PostgreSQL.
- Spam fighting via Rspamd.
- Mail server verification using DKIM and DMARC so the Internet knows your mailserver is legit.
- Secure on-disk storage for email and more via EncFS.
- Webmail via Roundcube.
- Mobile push notifications via Z-Push.
- Email client automatic configuration.
- Jabber/XMPP instant messaging via Prosody.
- An RSS Reader via Selfoss.
- CalDAV and CardDAV to keep your calendars and contacts in sync, via ownCloud.
- Your own private storage cloud via ownCloud.
- Your own VPN server via OpenVPN.
- An IRC bouncer via ZNC.
- Monit to keep everything running smoothly (and alert you when it’s not).
- collectd to collect system statistics.
- Web hosting (ex: for your blog) via Apache.
- Firewall management via Uncomplicated Firewall (ufw).
- Intrusion prevention via fail2ban and rootkit detection via rkhunter.
- SSH configuration preventing root login and insecure password authentication
- RFC6238 two-factor authentication compatible with Google Authenticator and various hardware tokens
- Nightly backups to Tarsnap.
- Git hosting via cgit and gitolite.
- Read-it-later via Wallabag