对黄沙坪铅锌矿的钻孔岩芯在刚性压力机上进行了室内AE 试验,试验所用的AE 传感器 频率范围为100~1000 Hz。试验证实灰岩试样具有明显的Kaiser 效应,且在循环加卸载条件下,能有效地消除试样存放时间对Kaiser 效应的影响,所测垂直方向的原岩应力大小与测点处的自重应力非常吻合。 关键词:地应力;声发射; Kaiser 效应 Abstract :Acoustic emission test s were carried out in the lab with the drill core obtained f rom Huang2 shaping Lead2Zinc Mine on the rigid compression testing machine. The f requency range of the AE sen2 sor used in the test s was f rom 100 to 1000 Hz. Test result s showed that the limestone specimen pro2 duces obvious Kaiser effect . Furthermore , under the conditions of cycling loading , the influence of the storage time of the specimen on the Kaiser effect could be effectively eliminated and the measured ver2 tical in - situ rock st ress was in excellent coincidence with the self - gravity st ress at the survey point . Key Words :Ground st ress , Acoustic emission , Kaiser effect