DESCRIPTION The DAC7613 is a 12-bit, voltage output digital-to-analog converter with guaranteed 12-bit monotonicperformance over the specified temperature range.The DAC7613 accepts a 12-bit parallel input data, hasdouble-buffered DAC input logic and provides areadback mode of the internal input register. An asyn-chronous reset clears all registers to a mid-scale codeof 800H or to a zero-scale of 000H. The DAC7613 canoperate from a single +5V supply or from +5V and –5V supplies.Low power and small size makes the DAC7613 idealfor data acquisition systems and closed-loop servo-control. The DAC7613 is available in a plasticSSOP-24 package, and offers guaranteed specifica-tions over the –40°C to +85°C temperature range.