
用飞利浦CU15 35驱动变压器和BU4522AF AX晶体

消耗积分:5 | 格式:rar | 大小:333 | 2009-05-12


Most 17" monitor designs for pc’s are required to This circuit employs a new drive transformer designed
operate at frequencies up to 64 kHz; this Fact Sheet specifically for optimum switching of Philips deflection
describes Philips Components & Semiconductors transistors in multi-frequency monitor applications. The
solution for the horizontal deflection circuit. This circuit circuit is a complete solution to the horizontal output
uses the new CU15/35 drive transformer from Philips stage: the ‘Hdrive’ point can be attached to the output
Components and the new BU4522AF/AX deflection pin of most deflection/sync ic’s. The concepts employed
transistor from Philips Semiconductors. in this circuit are discussed in detail in the technical paper
"Low power, low cost horizontal drive circuits with U15
core" (ETV/AN97002).

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