机械手常要进行抓取作业,为了能把物体抓住而不因夹持力过大而对物体造成伤害,设计了一种具有压觉和滑觉功能的机器人触觉传感器,对机械手抓取物体时遇到的问题及相应的施力策略进行研究,设计了一种比例因子可调整的模糊控制器,并进行了实验研究. 实验证明,使用机器人触觉传感器和模糊控制策略机械手能够进行软抓取作业. 关键词:液压;机械手;触觉传感器;模糊控制 Abstract :In order to grasp the object without damage to the object due to excessive force given by the ma2 nipulator ,a tactile sensor with slide sense and force sense is designed. The grasping and tactics of giving force on the object are analyzed in theory ,and a fuzzy-cont roller which is designed to adjust the proportion coefficient . Experiment s show that the sensor and the cont roller can achieve soft-grasping. Key words :hydraulic ;manipulator ; tactile sensor ;fuzzy-cont rol