本文对带电状态下用直接测量绝缘子串每个绝缘子的场强来确定绝缘子的好坏及其位置的工作原理进行了分析,在此基础上设计出了绝缘子在线检测装置,对该装置的系统 结构进行了详细的设计,对其软硬件功能和关键技术进行详细描述。经过实际应用证明作为目前仅有的直接测量法,本装置具有很好的应用前景和实用价值。 关键词:绝缘子 在线检测 直接测量法 光纤 自动卷绕机构 Abstract: The on-line detective apparatus’ principle and quality is analized, which can measures the electric field strength of every insulator on line among a chain of insulators directly in order that the quality of the insulator is verified. On this basis, a novel on-line detective apparatus is designed, and its system structure, software structure, hardware structure and key technology are described in detail. It has been proved that it illustrates a good prospect of application and high practice value. Keyword: Insulator on-line detection direct measure label automotive rolling mechanism