网格资源调度和分配是一个非常复杂而且重要的研究问题,传统的集中式管理方 法很难适用于网格计算环境,基于经济模型的资源和分配调度成为当前的研究热点。文章分析了资源分配中计算资源价值时存在的问题,提出了一种基于任务的网格资源分配方法。 关键词:计算网格资源分配经济模型面向任务 Abstract:Recource scheduling and allocation is an very complex and important problem in computional grid.Traditional resource management is centralized and hard to apply for grid enviroment.The economy model of resource scheduling and allocation becomes the research focus because of its good effect. The problem of resource allocation was analyzed in computional grid,and a new resource allocation mechanism was proposed for computational grid. Keywords:computional grid,recource allocation,economy model,task-oriented