对于pH 中和过程的控制,由于其本身具有严重的非线性特性,因而对于此过程的控制十分困难。鉴于此,本文提出了Hammerstein 系统非线性预测控制方法,并应用仿真和试验的方法分别实现了对pH 中和非线性过程的控制。研究结果表明,Hammerstein 模型非线性预测控制具有良好的控制效果和很强的稳定性,且优于常用的PID 控制方法。 关键词:Hammerstein 模型;非线性控制;预测控制;pH 中和;仿真;试验 Abstract: The control of pH neutralization process, having highly nonlinear nature, can be very difficult to achieve. In this paper, a predictive control strategy based on the Hammerstein model is put forward, which is known as Nonlinear Predictive Control of Hammerstein models, and achieved control of pH neutralization process. Simulation and test study for a pH neutralization process indicate that predictive control based on Hammerstein models can provide much better control performance than well-tuned PID controllers. key words: Hammerstein Models; Nonlinear Control; Predictive Control; pH Neutralization Process; Simulation; Test