对模拟局部放电的窄脉冲和陡前沿脉冲沿电缆的传播特性进行了实验研究。在两段不同长度的电缆首端分别注入窄脉冲和陡前沿脉冲,同时记录首末端波形;分析了不同频率下脉冲在电缆中的传播和衰减情况,并提出了电缆局放检测用传感器频率的选择原则。 关键词: XLPE 电力电缆; 传播特性; 局部放电 Abstract : The propagation characteristics of a simulation partial discharge (PD) pulse and a steep2front pulse in the XLPE power cable are investigated. Both the narrow pulses and the steep2front pulses are applied to the initial terminal of the XLPE cable respec2 tively, and the oscillograms at both terminals are simultaneously recorded using a digital oscilloscope. The characteristics of propaga2 tion and attenuation of pulses with different frequencies are ana2 lyzed , and then the determination philosophy of the bandwidth of the sensor for PD detection in cable is proposed. Key words : XLPE power cable ; propagation characteristics ; partial discharge