交通系统中的最优路径算法等同于图论中的最短路径算法,根据不同的具体要求可以 是长度最短或行驶时间最短。由于问题的特征、网络特性等的纷繁复杂最短路径算法表现出多样性。除了经典的方法外,近年来出现的模拟退火、Tabu 搜索和遗传算法等在优化问题中获得了广泛的应用,本文主要讨论了用改进的遗传算法求解最短路径的方法。 关键字: 最短路径, 遗传算法, 随机规则 Abstract: The most optimized path algorithm in the traffic system is equal to the shortest algorithm in the image theory, according to the specify requirement such as the need for shortest length or the shortest time. The difference and complexity of characteristic of the problem and the internet result in the varieties of the shortest path algorithm. Besides the classical method, the simulated annealing algorithm, Tabu search and Genetic Algorithm represented recently are common used. A new method to get the shortest path based on the improved Genetic Algorithm is analyzed in this paper. Keywords: Most Short-path; Inherit Algorithm;