PI 模型是一种运算量小,容易求逆并可用于实时控制系统中的迟滞模型。它是与输入信号频率无关的静态模型。而压电陶瓷表现为与输入频率有关的动态迟滞特性。对PI 模型进行改进,引入惯性环节,增加迟滞元的动态特性,提出了动态PI 迟滞模型。实验结果表明,改进的PI 动态模型能很好地逼近压电陶瓷的位移输出信号,并具有较高的模型预测精度。 关键词:PI 迟滞模型 动态迟滞元 动态迟滞特性 压电陶瓷执行器
Abstract PI model is a static hysteresis model, which is rate-independence and is easily used for control system. However, hysteresis in piezoceramic is dynamic and rate-dependence. By first–order lag operator introducing to PI model, dynamic PI model is proposed in this paper. Results of experiment show that dynamic PI model can be approximated well displacement of piezoceramic and is of high prediction precision. Keywords: PI hysteresis model, Dynamic hysteresis operator, Dynamic hysteresis behavior, Piezoceramic actuator