讨论了一种梳齿式微机械加速度计的静态模型。从加速度计的静态输入入手,求得加速 度计平衡时的输出关系式,还讨论了敏感输入轴垂直的横向加速度输入分量对输出的影响。在理论分析的基础上,根据离心机试验结果求得加速度计的静态模型。 关 键 词:微机械加速度计;电容传感器;静态模型辨识 Abstract: This paper discusses the static model of a multi-finger micromechanical accelerometer. The output voltage is deduced when the input is supposed to be constant and the response of the accelerator is stable. The influence of micromechanical accelerometer’s input along the transverse axis on the output is discussed. Based on the theoretical analysis, the static model of the accelerometer is obtained by experimental results of the centrifuge. Key words: micromechanical accelerometer; capacitive sensor; static model identification