提出一种计算加速度计灵敏度和频率的改进方法。该方法在计算微结构的灵敏度和频率时考虑质量块的变形及梁的质量。得到的结果表明,当梁与质量块的厚度比变得较大时,的上表面的最大拉应力值不再等于最大压应力值。该方法计算得到的频率和忽略质量块变形与梁质量所得到的频率与ANSYS 模拟相比,偏差由90 %下降到15 %。最后进行了静态测试,结果与改进模型基本相符。 关键词 静态测试 加速度传感器 微电子机械系统 灵敏度 频率 Abstract Presented here is an improved method for the sensitivity and frequency analysis. In this analysis , the effects that the mass of beam and the deformation of the mass have on the performance of the accelerometer have been taken into account. Results show that the maximal extension stress in the beam is not equal to the maximal compression stress when the thickness ratio of the beam is no longer much lower than the proof mass’s. The frequency error between ANSYS’s value and the simplified analysis’s value is near 90 % , while the frequency error can drop to 15 % in the method presented here. At the end ,the static test is described. The results are in good agreement with the improved model that we put forward. Key words Static test ; Accelerometer ; Micro2electro2mechanical system; Sensitivity ;Frequency