The LM19 is a precision analog output CMOS integrated-circuit temperature sensor that operates over a −55°C to +130° C temperature range. The power supply operating range is +2.4 V to +5.5 V. The transfer function of LM19 is predominately linear, yet has a slight predictable parabolic curvature. The accuracy of the LM19 when specified to a parabolic transfer function is ±2.5°C at an ambient temperature of +30° C. The temperature error increases linearly and reaches a maximum of ±3.8°C at the temperature range extremes. The temperature range is affected by the power supply voltage. At a power supply voltage of 2.7 V to 5.5 V the temperature range extremes are +130°C and −55°C. Decreasing the power supply voltage to 2.4 V changes the negative extreme to −30°C, while the positive remains at +130°C.